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Fear Is A Liar

”Who Wins?”

| Sande Caplin |

Tune In To Life

It’s a trifecta…We have Unapologetic, Choice and Expression! These three have been training hard and it’s going to be a tight race!

Unapologetic is in it to win it!

Choice has been racing everyday to prepare…

Expression is feeling wild and free!

Tune In To Life

It’s a trifecta…We have Unapologetic, Choice and Expression! These three have been training hard and it’s going to be a tight race!

Unapologetic is in it to win it!

Choice has been racing everyday to prepare…

Expression is feeling wild and free!

So which one are you betting on? All three are looking pretty conditioned and ready for the gates to open. They have been practicing their new skills and are determined to win.

Fast forward…they tie the race! Yep…TIE! They realized they couldn’t WIN without each other by their side. This is record breaking folks…and what a revelation! Expres-sion needed Choice to be courageous enough to be Unapologetic. Unapologetic sup-port Choice while Expression was working on it’s game plan. Choice and Expression held Unapologetic’s place while it blocked the others.

I have talked about being Unapologetic, the power of Choice and the importance of Ex-pression. The reality is, with out each of these working together, it is hard to master one of them. Try this on for a minute…I am in a situation that is unbearable. There is this person who seems to take control of me when they walk in the room. I want to speak up and tell them that they are wrong. But I DON’T! When they leave, I explore WHY I CHOOSE not to EXPRESS my feelings and be UNAPOLOGETIC about them. Remem-ber my mention that feelings aren’t wrong? And that other peoples reactions are really about them and not you?  So what’s the problem with me, why didn’t I speak up? … FEAR!

There are so many levels of fear. I am not referring to fear of fire because your logical minds knows it will burn you rather the fear of the unknown. Rejection, Embarrassment, Judgement, Failure…shall I go on? These types of fear are conjured up by these little scenarios we play out in our heads. Story telling at it’s best! Now unless you have that magical crystal ball, you are creating these outcomes based on your own fears.

Here’s my question to you..What is true about those stories? Do you know that the out-comes your have dreamt up will really be the true ending?  Maybe they will but my bets are on the fact that they won’t. Fear is a beast and it WILL hold you back if you feed it. Are you ready to test this theory. Pick a situation that has you paralyzed due to fear and write your story down on a piece of paper. Now, go test your theory out…
I would love to hear what you learned!

Are you ready to try on a new way of being?     
Contact me at  Find me on Facebook.
Your first one is on me because I believe in you!

In Tune To LifeAbout Jennifer Adams:
Heal, fuel, feed, repeat…
Here I am taking the journey from corporate life to purpose life. I have climbed the lad-der of life in parenting, work and self-development. What once was a woman who lived the “should” life, I became inspired to live the purposeful life. Always finding myself be-ing the one people called for help or answers, I decided to pursue a career in it. With a suitcase of wisdom and carry-on of wit, I am traveling to the land of passion. I rock at bringing out the inner awesome in others. It was always there in various stages and ca-pacities but I pushed it aside to do what I was “supposed” to do. The gates have opened and I am off…to chase the dream of breaking down the walls and limiting beliefs that keep others from truly showing up for this thing called life. 

A little background about me:
From single mom at 18 to Vice President of a Corporation at 38. I spent 20 years heal-ing, fueling, and feeding. I dropped out of high school 2 months before graduation, pregnant, and got my GED. I went to work full time at various jobs always working to make ends meet. I have what I like to call a “Custom College Degree.” I took more classes than what it took to get a degree, just not in the traditional curriculum deter-mined by the schools. I have accounting, business and information technology educa-tion that I needed to get the job done, do it well and move up. It worked! I am now mar-ried with two awesome kids and I have no regrets. I love working out and living a healthy life style. My dream is to have a log house on the water with tons of property for flowers, vegetables and English Bulldogs and you know what, I WILL have it!      Stay Tuned….

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