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Twinkle- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

| Sande Caplin |

As many of you may know, Sarasota’s own Rock Star….”Twinkle” – and – “Rock.Soul.Radio” band had their websites and YouTube Channel turned off.

The Good: Twinkle is a nice lady, a great mom and an awesome grandmother. Her smile is contagious and her talent…..well, what hasn’t been said about Twinkle as a performer. For Twinkle, it’s all about paying it forward and an act of kindness, everyday.  A new website is in development for Twinkle and the boys!  It is going to be fabulous.  Also, a new YouTube channel is being built.   The Good prevail!

The Bad: The websites and YouTube channel were not hacked. You heard that right. They were turned off….An unthinkable and intentional attack trying to deprive Twinkle and her band “Rock Soul Radio” a chance to earn a living.  Thirty years of history have been effectively stolen from this performer.

The Ugly…. Anyone who knows her knows Twinkle doesn’t do ugly!  Forgiveness trumps the ugly.  Karma trumps the ugly.  It’s that simple. While Twinkle feels the sting (and she is certainly hurting inside), she chooses to take the high road and move on, stronger & better for it, with a little help from her friends!

Hey, to every one of Twinkle’s fans…..please help to make this right.  Support Twinkle and the boys when they are performing and oh yes, purchase their new album… is awesome!

Twinkle will be performing on Thursday, September 11, 2014 at the Ladies Sing the Blues event at the Swordfish Grill and Tiki to benefit the SunCoast Blood Bank Donor Awareness Program.

Writers Note:  This story does not reflect the opinion of Twinkle or Rock Soul Radio Band.  It is strictly the opinion of the Sarasota Post.

Twinkle Photo by Mark Kracker         
              Photo By Mark Kracker

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