Don’t Leave Your Home- Lee Volpe Is Back In Town!
Yes, it’s true. Writer extraordinaire, Creative Director for The Sarasota Post, one of the truly funniest ladies I know and my very special friend, Lee Volpe is back in town. What should have been a couple of days drive from her summer getaway in Wisconsin, turned about to be a bit longer than she planned driving through 3 or 4 extra states along the way. And, don’t forget that she had the company of her pet pig, “Officer” and her cat….I forgot his name!
So, here is why I missed Lee so much. We met for dinner and laughed our asses off for 2 hours. She kept driving the waiter crazy asking for this and that. She was embarrassed to ask him for water so what does she do…..”Excuse me sir, my friend is getting ready to choke- can you please get us 2 glasses of water.” Well, he did not take her too serious and didn’t show up for about 5 minutes with the water. So much for my choking to death.
Then, it was off to Bruce Famiglio’s Flying Dog Café “open jam.” The place was packed! Lee walks into the “Dog” and I just followed her in like a little puppy dog. She immediately lit up the place. That’s what I love most about Lee. She is so full of electricity. So….the rest of the night it was yap yap yap. Danny Jake Elkins of the Blues Brothers who is the MC for “Ladies Sing the Blues” on 9/11/2014 with Lee could not stop talking along with my pal “Yo Vinny,” Donnie McKeon, Joni Luckenbill and so many more folks were chatting with her. I just sat alone in the corner being sad…..NOT!
Lee, I am so glad you are back in town. You have that special talent that puts a smile on everyone’s face. Now, enjoy your Birthday weekend and then start writing….no one writes better than you.
Thanks for being my pal!