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Congratulations, Jennifer Adams

| Sande Caplin |

I am just so excited and gushing with joy.  I know that James Newton feels the same.  One of our “Associates,” my “life coach” and most of all my dear friend, Jennifer Adams has been asked to speak at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA.  It is a Leadership Conference for the students on October 18th about Life Balance!

Jennifer has worked so hard for this.  As many of you know, Jennifer is a Life Coach.  She writes weekly for The Sarasota Post and has a phenomenal website,  You can also follow her on Facebook.  Several of you met her at Ladies Sing the Blues on 9/11 at the Swordfish Grill and Tiki.

It is an AWESOME day, not only for Jenn and her family but for our entire team!!!!!

Congratulations Jenn.  You are becoming a “shining star!”  We are all so proud of you.

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