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StoneFish Band

sToneFish Band……The BEST!

| Sande Caplin |

A Steamy Night, A Fabulous Band, Great Audience and Ambience…a Win-Win for sToneFish!

The night was hot and steamy on Friday at Woody’s River Roo!  sToneFish were onstage.  Great music, food, drinks and a friendly  group at the bar.  The house was packed…people dancing, clapping, singing.  Not many bands can manage to produce that reaction and I loved being there.

I remember the first time I heard Stephanie’s voice…smooth as silk and singing a song from back in my day….totally unexpected and brought back such good Stephanie Pricememories….Steve Winwood’s  “Can’t Find My Way Home.”  And she did it brilliantly.  sToneFish is one of those bands that sing material you’re not going to hear at every club, and they’re a family, not just a band.  When a band member has something important to do or a place to go, well, family comes first.  So even though a couple of band members were missing, sToneFish is so talented and into each other’s groove, you didn’t notice.  These are some majorly talented folks! I’ve heard Stephanie say she is so lucky to be part of this hugely talented band.  I’m surprised and happy for them…you don’t see any egos or upstaging with sToneFish.  Maybe they have a bumper sticker that says “check your ego at the door” or they may simply love each other, and music,  too much to make it less than a GREAT thing in their lives.

Stephanie Price delivers those soulful vocals that come straight from her heart, powerful, yet a gentle soul lurks in those powerful lungs.  She loves the tambourine, a highly unappreciated instrument.  It’s not just something you shake.  If you play the tambourine you know you can beat it, shake it, wave it and dance with it.  I love the tambourine. I must say, about Stephanie, when my 5’2” body stood next to hers, I had to look straight up to talk to her.  Tall and willowy, with big shoes on, she’s is quite a vision to see.

Stephanie Price of Stone FishMarty Kossoff, lead guitar and vocalist, has that magic voice and happy face that is contagious.  Kelvin Cooper plays a dynamite bass, acoustic guitar as well as electric guitar when he replaces another player.  Jon Cassidy fills in for Kelvin Cooper on the bass and does vocals, as well.  Mandolin is excellently played by Gary Blakeman, and Jeff Ruben,  percussion instruments, and crowd motivation.  Scott Brundage is their awesome drummer who has been with the band a real long time!  Last but not least, their excellent keyboardist, Oren Plouse.

I really love the songs sToneFish plays.  Lots of nostalgia In Jimi Hendrix’ Voodoo Child, Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get it On, Led Zeppellin’s Rock-n-Roll, Angel from Montgomery, the Allman Brother’s Leave my Blues at Home.  Piece of my Heart by Janus Joplin, and I Shall Be Released by Bob Dylan.  There are so many others I could fill the page.  But sToneFish also has original music that is so worth hearing!  Stephanie Price of Stone Fish

Go on sToneFish Facebook page to catch their next gig in the area.  If you haven’t become a sToneFish fan yet, you’ll be so pleasantly surprised to find a band with their groovability when it comes to old, new, blues, rock and country music.

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