Stephanie Price…She’s Been Singing Since Her High Chair Days
Stephanie Price…She’s Been Singing Since Her High Chair Days
by Laurie Mirkin
Stephanie Price………She was one of these kids that is just born to sing, and that’s what she did. Born on the day that “Elvis” died, she said jokingly, “our souls crossed paths and I got some of his musical soul.” She remembers her solo in her third grade talent show. She probably remembers every event she ever sang at because at the root of her being she loved to make a joyful noise. And we’re the lucky ones because we get to see the beautiful face, the six foot girl with heels, and the most amazing voice that emanates from her heart, starts at her toes and works its way out of her mouth. The first time I heard her sing I was blown away.
Actually, she was singing with sTonefish at the Flying Dog Café. The band was playing an old Traffic song that I had always loved and hadn’t heard in decades. I was love struck. In fact, I don’t think I ever heard Stephanie sing a song I didn’t love. Steph’s been with sTonefish for 4 years now.
Being a Mom and a working woman, getting some relaxation time can be difficult. Stephanie loves to talk about her daughter, who is presently taking ballet and music lessons. The family goes out fishing on their boat for recreation and has a ball. They’re a close-knit family and in this day and age that is so important.
Stephanie and her band, sTonefish, play all over the Sarasota/Bradenton area, but have regular gigs every first Friday at Woodies, and at the Five o’Clock Club. She considers her band to be her “big brothers” and couldn’t be happier playing with anyone else. They are available for private parties as well as club dates and fundraisers. This is Steph’s 3rd Ladies Sing the Blues event and you don’t want to miss her! March 26th, 6 p.m. at Primo Ristorante on Tamiami Trail in Sarasota.
Thanks Stephanie, for giving your time and amazing, bluesy voice to benefit the American Business Women’s Association, who raise money for women to receive scholarships and make them marketable in the working world. Each Ladies Sing the Blues event gets better. We’re all excited about this one and the other 14 Ladies who will also be singing.