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Paul Cebar Tomorrow Sound Coming to Fogartyville

| Suncoast Post Staff |

Paul Cebar Tomorrow Sound bring forth a funky, lyrically charged racket that is explosive, yet intimate.  Taking cues from the dance bands of western Louisiana (and his native Midwest,), the streets (and 45’s) of New Orleans, touring African and Caribbean combos and the soul, funk & blues of his youth, Paul Cebar is a masterful synthesist of rhythmic culture. His time spent in his second home of New Orleans, as a musicologist in Florida, and as a journeyman wanderer in Cuba, is reflected in his musical worldview.  In Florida for the Riverhawk Music Festival, Paul Cebar Tomorrow Sound will also perform at Fogartyville on Friday, November 12 at 8pm. Tickets are $20 for members; $24 for nonmembers; $12 for students. Advance tickets are available at WSLR or by calling 941-894-6469.

Paul Cebar cut his teeth musically in the coffeehouse folk scene of the mid-’70s in Milwaukee. First paying gigs took place in late ’76 with an emphasis on solo recasting of small combo jump-blues and other early R&B. Upon graduation from New College in Sarasota, Florida, with a thesis addressing rhythm & blues varieties featuring a hearty emphasis on Louis Jordan and Buddy Johnson, Cebar dedicated himself to trodding the boards in earnest and spent substantial amounts of time testing the waters out New York way while exploring band dynamics with a soul and New Orleans-minded crew called the R&B Cadets back home.  He went on to form the dance band Paul Cebar and the Milwaukeeans and more recently the present day incarnation of Tomorrow Sound took shape. 

At the core is gifted songwriting, and the company Paul keeps bears it out. Bonnie Raitt, Nick Lowe, Chris Smither, John Hiatt and Cesar Rosas are among his friends and admirers.   Tomorrow Sound are an elite crew who bring plenty of their own wood to the fire. Drummer Reggie Bordeaux, casts his nets with a mystifying subtlety bringing his own fleet-footed refinement and grease. Multi-instrumentalist Bob Jennings, lends his bandleader the luxury of implying a much larger ensemble with his multi-hued contributions on keys and reeds. Bassist Mike Fredrickson (a distinguished singer-songwriter in his own right) anchors and prods with the best of them.

Photo from Fogartyville

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