I Am Thankful For Our Musicians
I am thankful for my wonderful kids, grandkids, my family and dear friends. I am also thankful for the wealth of musical talent that we have in our town. On any given day or night I can listen to some of the best music that the world has to offer right here on our Gulf Coast.
Our musicians work hard. Many have day jobs to help support themselves….to pay the rent, buy food, pay the electric and other daily living expenses. At night they go out and do what they love to do, sing and make music.
It always amazes me that that some of these fine folks play for tips and at times are paid what amounts to minimum wage. Yes, there are entertainers who are paid well, but this is not the rule.
I have a challenge / suggestion to our community. Musicians….you are the Picasso’s and Michelangelo’s of the music world. Be proud of yourself…be the professional who deserves to be paid well. When you go out to play, be on time, dress to impress and most important, advertise your gig, not only on Facebook but in many other ways. Email or text your friends your performance (gig) schedule each week; text them again on the day of the event with any drink or food specials the venue is offering, ask them to spread the word in any way they can. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to fill the venue. To you venues that provide live music, help raise the bar- pay just a little more to those musicians who handle themselves professionally, feed them well and advertise them well.
Last Friday, I attended an event where there was a $5.00 cover charge. Not one person walked away. The place was packed, lots of money was spent on great food and drink and at the end of the night everyone made money and was happy.
Let’s work together to raise the standards for music in our town, bring in more attendees who pack the music venues and put smiles on the faces of the venue owners and musicians. photo by Mark Kracker
Happy Thanksgiving!
Your comments are welcome below.