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Getting to Know Kim Betts, She Certainly Keeps Me On My Toes!

| Sande Caplin |

I have to admit, a year ago I did not know too much about Kim Betts.  I heard her band The Gamble Creek Band play several times and enjoyed their music, but that’s about it.

Well, that’s all changed!  Kim has a new world class website, and is working on her new project, “Sugarland Tribute”.  Like most musicians, it’s not always easy to get in touch with her.  Text messages, phone messages, emails and sometimes smoke signals or Morse Code have to used to track her down!  I’ve gotten used to waiting and more waiting!  ….it’s the business.

I can always count on her to make me laugh and put a smile on my face.  When we are developing new ideas and projects it’s all business (we’re very serious).  BUT, every so often out of nowhere she will throw out a story from when she was growing up and yes a story or 2 about what it was like with her dad and the famous band!   I treasure these stories and feel special that she shares such great stuff with me…. All great stuff.

Here is a video compilation from a live show that Kim and the band did recently.  Enjoy!  Thanks Kim, I so appreciate what you do.

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