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World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day Here on the Suncoast

| Angela Naff |

In 1998, a new kind of international observance came into being when World Kindness Day was formed to be celebrated each year on November 13th. Today, we all should take just a heartbeat to be kind to someone for no other reason than they are human, like every one of us. World Kindness Day is a celebration of one of the best unifying characteristics we all share, no matter nationality, gender, or even physical characteristics – the ability to show kindness to others!

World Kindness Day is observed in many countries, including the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, and the U.A.E. World Kindness Day was first introduced as a day of observation by the World Kindness Movement. In 2019, the organization was registered as an official N.G.O. under Swiss law, but the history of the group stretches back to a Tokyo-based convention in 1997. An array of institutions and associations based in countries including Australia, Thailand, the United States, and the United Kingdom had been assembled at this conference because of their dedication to championing kindness in society. The initial configuration of the World Kindness Movement would form as a result of this event, with the written declaration of their inception stating their “pledge to join together to build a kinder and more compassionate world.” In 1998, in pursuit of this aim, they would facilitate the launch of the inaugural World Kindness Day.

World Kindness Day

Kindness is not a huge act, but the little things you can do to make today just a bit brighter for someone else. Say hi to the person walking next to you into the grocery store today. Or maybe you volunteer with an organization that works with the elderly, disabled, or the homeless – give an extra smile and hearing ear to those you serve today. When your family readies for the day or comes home stressed at the end of another long day of activity – tell them why you appreciate them. While World Kindness Day might be a movement instead of a federally observed holiday, it might be the feel-good moment of the year for so many. Get in on the movement and see how many acts of kindness you can fit into your day.

Happy International Day of Kindness, Suncoast!

Photo Courtesy of Deposit Photos

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