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Water: An Endangered Resource

| Sande Caplin |

Art Opening and Film Screening……….

Opening on Saturday, April 11 at 6pm at the Fogartyville Community Media and Arts Center, the “Water, An Endangered Resource” art exhibit takes the viewer on a visual journey underwater, with interpretations of water, past and present conditions, and Eco Art resolutions.  We are pleased to show the works of such international artists as Wayne Eastep, John Moran and Jackie Brookner, among other notable local artists.  The exhibit will run through June 8th.

In conjunction with the opening of the Art Exhibit,  Florida Food & Water Watch will screen Groundswell Rising, Protecting Our Children’s Air and Water, a film that brings us into the lives of people from all walks of life and all sides of the political spectrum who are dedicating themselves to resisting, slowing down or stopping fracking.  We meet parents, scientists, artists, teachers, clergy, community organizers and business leaders who are convinced that this unproven form of gas extraction is a serious health and environmental risk. Driven by a deep moral conviction, we see how they are standing up to one of the world’s most powerful industries.

After the film screening, learn more about the threat that fracking poses to our Sunshine State through a Q & A with Craig Stevens, a resident from Dimock, Pennsylvania whose community’s drinking water was contaminated by fracking.  Craig has seen the devastation that the fracking industry can have first hand and will talk about what could await Florida’s residents if fracking moves forward in the state.

The art opening and film screening are being sponsored by the Peace Education and Action Center, Food and Water Watch, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Transition Sarasota and Suncoast Waterkeeper.  This event is FREE and open to the public.  For more information, call 941-545-5635.

Film website:

Food & Water Watch Website:

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