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Watch “My Darling Vivian” with Virtual SFF

| Paul Ratner |

The Virtual edition of the Sarasota Film Festival (SFF) is excited to bring you “My Darling Vivian” for a limited time! This film was slated to play during our postponed in-theater edition this year and is now available online. Rent this fascinating film today! Half of the proceeds will go to supporting Sarasota Film Festival programming and educational initiatives.

“My Darling Vivian” tells the story of Vivian Liberto, Johnny Cash’s first wife and the mother of his four daughters.

In 1951, Catholic schoolgirl Vivian Liberto meets handsome Air Force cadet Johnny Cash at her local San Antonio, Texas skating rink. Their whirlwind summer romance lays the foundation for a feverish three-year-long correspondence while Johnny is stationed in Germany. Thousands of letters later, the two marry upon his return in 1954. Within a year, a career blossoms and a family is started. By 1961, Johnny Cash is a household name, number one on the music charts, and perpetually on tour.

Meanwhile, only two weeks postpartum, Vivian settles into their custom-built home in Casitas Springs, California with their four young daughters. Plagued by bobcats, rattlesnakes, all-hours visits from fans, and a growing resentment toward her husband’s absence, Vivian is pushed to a near breaking point when she and her daughters are targeted by hate groups over her perceived race.

“My Darling Vivian” trailer

In “My Darling Vivian”, we will meet the first Mrs. Cash as her daughters, Rosanne, Kathy, Cindy, and Tara, share with us first hand, for the first time, the entire story of love, isolation, fear, heartbreak, and survival.

To watch the complete “My Darling Vivian” on SFF Virtual go to this link.

SFF Virtual Film Camps

sff virtual film camps

Adapting to these challenging times, SFF has been carrying out virtual film camps for kids from all over the U.S., adapting its unique curriculum online for students 8-14.

Every week of the camp features a different theme, from online videos to superheroes, fantasy and other genres. The theme has its own specific curriculum and is used to inspire the created short films and videos.

Limited spots available. To reserve yours today and for more information, please CLICK HERE.

Photos from Sarasota Film Festival.

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