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Sudie Brattli- Ladies Sing The Blues

| Sande Caplin |


Sudie Brattli is one very talented lady! She is one awesome singer.  She will be perfroming on 9/11/2014 for Ladies Sing The Blues at the Swordfish Grill and Tiki in Cortez, FL.  Proceeds will benefit the Suncoast Blood Bank.  Just the other day, I received some heartwrenching news about a 9 year old girl who requires blood transfusions.  It really hit home.  It is so important for all of us to donate blood and help save lives.

Tickets can be purchased at the Swordfish Grill and Tiki, “on line” at or contact Sande Caplin via Facebook or

Sudie was kind enought to make a quick promo video for the event.  It is unedited!…..enjoy and see you on 9/11.

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