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Register Today for Sarasota Film Festival’s Online Virtual Film Camp!

| Paul Ratner |

Adapting to these challenging times, we are now able to offer our unique curriculum online for students 8-14. Film educators with decades of industry experience will keep your kids learning and entertained while at home with the Sarasota Film Festival’s online virtual film camp.

Our film and media program will help students not only stay creative and engaged during the summer but also make them stronger media creators, enriched with an invaluable skillset for our times.

Young filmmakers will be taught in a fun, conservatory model where each student gets to experience different film-related professions, being a screenwriter, director, production designer, editor, cinematographer, and actor. The kids also truly understand the value of teamwork and collaboration.

Public screenings

The finished projects will have public screenings for family and friends on our YouTube channel and in social media.

Camps start on June 1st and will run 9AM EST – 12PM EST, Mo-Fri. We may add additional afternoon sessions based on demand.

Every week of the camp will feature a different theme, from online videos to superheroes, fantasy and other genres. The theme will have its own specific curriculum and will be used to inspire the created short films and videos.

Limited spots available for this online virtual film camp opportunity. To reserve yours today and for more information, please CLICK HERE.

World’s Largest Zombie Movie

If you haven’t seen it yet, check out Chapter 1 of the World’s Largest Zombie Movie – a unique project, spearheaded by SFF Education. Featured extensively in the media, this lockdown-originated film was made by hundreds of kids around the world, who followed specific instructions created by our educators. More parts to be released soon.

Photos from Sarasota Film Festival.

International Barter Exchange
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