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Just Announced! The 9th Annual Cortez Stone Crab & Music Festival

| Suncoast Post Staff |

It’s official!  The 9th annual Cortez Stone Crab & Music Festival is a go!  The festival will be held on the grounds of the Swordfish Grill & Tiki in Cortez, Florida on November 13th & 14th!

This is one of the biggest events of the year in our area.  Great food, (of course stone crabs) fabulous vendors displaying and selling their goods and services, and some great music performed by local bands!

The final schedule is not complete, but at this time we know that Twinkle Rock Soul Radio, Stockton Brothers, Doug Deming & the Jewel Tones, Tony Tyler, and Eric Von will be performing.  Watch this website for more music updates!

From Facebook- 9th Annual festival held in the parking lot of Swordfish Grill & Tiki Bar 4628 119th St W Cortez, FL 34215. Marker 49 by boat. 2 days of live music, fresh seafood, beer tent, kids’ area, local art vendors, and a large tent for protection from the rain or sun!

So, save the dates, Saturday & Sunday, November 13th & 14th.  It’s going to be a really great 2-day event.  If you’re a vendor and wish to have a booth, please email for an application.

Swordfish Grill & Tiki Bar
4628 119th Street
Cortez, FL 34215
941 798-2035


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