It’s My Birthday….I Am Going To Save Lives Today!
Yes, another birthday- don’t remind me. I have had a lot of different offers of special things to do today…..skydiving (too risky), horseback riding (possibly), roller blading (ankles are getting weak), Las Vegas (nah), Met Game in Philly (sounds enticing) or a day at the beach. (I do that all the time!) Well, I’ve made my decision. I am going to do something that I haven’t done in years- I am going to save lives today.
The SunCoast Blood Bank needs everyone’s help. Only 38 percent of the US population is eligible to donate blood – and less than 5 percent do. An amazing, yet true, statistic. SunCoast Blood Bank needs to collect an average of 150 units of blood, every day, 365 days a year. It’s a huge task…..a monumental task.
One donation can help save the lives of up to three people. So, my donation today will save up to three lives…..awesome. Life Here. Give Here. Stays Here. SunCoast Blood Bank – “Your” community Blood Bank.
This is going to be the best Birthday Present ever.
There is a great event today. I am going to be donating blood at the 6th Annual 107.9 WSRZ “Pints for Play. Hope to see you there.
Come on, let’s save some lives together!
Here is the link: