Hurray For Hollywood Red Carpet Dance and Costume Party
Premier Dance Studio & LeslieSRQ Productions are teaming up and rolling out the “RED CARPET” for a HOLLYWOOD/OSCAR Themed Dance & Costume Party!!! Held in the Exquisite Polo Grill BALLROOM, prepare to ‘strut your stuff’ down the Red Carpet and perhaps even accept an ‘Oscar’!!
DRESS as your Favorite HOLLYWOOD Actor or Actress & remember to SMILE for the Paparazzi!!! (OR as a character in a MOVIE), OR just wear something Red-Carpet-Worthy). There WILL be “OSCARS” given out for the BEST Costumes as well as the BEST Dancers and other categories (SO, if you think that may be YOU; start rehearsing your ‘acceptance speech’!!!
Look for the BIG Limousine when you approach the Polo Grill and the Red Carpet then take YOUR Walk down the REd Carpet (as the cameras are flashing) to the ENTRANCE to the Ballroom.
Lindsay Carlton – drag queen – will be with us impersonating “Barbra Streisand” and will ALSO be doing a MEDLEY of Streisand Songs later in the evening. (remember to get your PICTURE taken with Barbra!
The Theme of the Party will include DANCE Music based on some of the BEST OF THE BEST Soundtracks from the MOVIES we ALL love the best (both recent and vintage). YES—there WILL be a DANCE CONTEST (with 3 judges to be named) and the BEST DANCERS will also receive “Oscars”!! Since this is HOLLYWOOD Based, we are planning on a nice ‘mix’ of music so you Dancers out there will have the opportunity to show off your many different ‘Dance Styles’!
As the EVENING Begins, the BAND “The Romantics” (horns, trumpet, saxaphone, keyboard, drums) will be playing Dance Music!!! The 1st part of the EVENING will be an ‘open dance’ and at some point in time, YOU might be ‘tapped on the shoulder’ by a JUDGE and you will return to the dance floor later in the evening for a “Dance OFF” with Oscars for the Best Dancers!
Then Part 2 of the evening, we are going to be treated to some magnificent HOLLYWOOD-STYLE Dance Showcase Numbers! and *ADDED BONUS* these Dance Routines will be enhanced with the vocals of Sudie Brattli!!
THINK “Dirty Dancing”; CHICAGO; Charlie’s Angels; the Body Guard!!! CULMINATING with a very sultry dance presentation from Disney’s “Maleficent” that you are going to LOVE! These presentations are largely comprised of some VERY talented Students of the Dance Studio.
Part 3 – MORE Dancing (Of COURSE) and then the Presentation of the OSCARS!!!!!
ONE LUCKY person (up to 4 people picked up at same location within 10 miles of Polo) WILL be treated to their own “LIMOUSINE RIDE” to the Red Carpet Party! A random drawing from the RSVPs to the Event will be conducted and the WINNERS announced a few days prior to the event! (More details to follow)
There WILL be some Surprises (of course) including WHO is going to be our Special CELEBRITY Guest who will assist in handing out the OSCARS!!!
Cover Charge is $15 (cash) at the door which INCLUDES some lite-bite APPETIZERS provided by Polo Grill/Fete Catering. There will also be a Cash Bar.
We WILL be offering a VIP TIcket that INCLUDES your choice of 3 dinner entrees and your 1st drink! MORE to follow about this!
So “DRESS TO IMPRESS’ and be practicing your DANCE MOVES!!! We are looking forward to seeing YOU on the Red Carpet!!