Community Connections Fair This Saturday, 5/17
With the phenomenally successful conclusion of the most recent Giving Partner Challenge, our community stood out not only as a community capable of giving, but generous in its ability to care for our neighbors in need. That’s a reason to celebrate.
Another aspect of our tremendously generous community is the scores of men, women and youth who give back each and every day to make this a community we can all be proud to live and work in. Money is important, but it also takes elbow grease as well as manpower for most of our hardworking nonprofit agencies to make ends meet and get the job done. There are thousands of nonprofit agencies just in Sarasota County working to make a difference in peoples’ lives. They rely on volunteers to help them meet those needs 365 days a year. During season, there are plenty of snowbirds with time on their hands who are willing and able to pitch in and give of themselves. But the problems facing families, veterans, abandoned animals and people recovering from addictions, abuse and other societal ills don’t come to an end when season does.
This Saturday, Faith Presbyterian Church is hosting the first annual Community Connections Fair as a way for the community to turn out and learn about just some of the many service offerings available in this community. Seventeen area social service agencies ranging from the American Cancer Society to the YMCA and seven ministries from Faith Presbyterian Church including Promiseland Preschool and Just A Dollar will be on display in the Family Life Center and Gym from 9 am to Noon at Faith Presbyterian. “This fair will showcase the diverse services available in our community and the needs that are being met,” stated Pastor John Grady. All of these programs are in need of volunteers.
The free fair will allow attendees not only to learn about how local non-profits are addressing community issues, but how they can get involved and make a difference. In addition to members of the public, area high school students are invited and encouraged to learn how to achieve community service hour credits. The event is free of charge and a light lunch will be provided with a love offering request.
Contact Linda Peel at or call (941) 955-7074 with further questions. The church is located at 1201 N. Beneva Road in Sarasota. For details, visit
Galatians 6:10 “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”