Forget The Chain Restaurants- Eat Local
I have a bit of a rant this morning! Last night it was a little cold on the Suncoast ….cloudy, damp and in the 50’s. If you’re a local, you love it. If you’re a snowbird or on vacation, well you don’t like it! It was a good night to go out to eat!
While driving around, I noticed every “franchise” restaurant was rather busy. You know the ones- The Olive Garden, Applebee’s, McDonalds, Outback, Red Lobster and more. The “locally” owned restaurants were half empty and I was wondering why?
The next time you go out to dinner, “eat local,” meaning go to a restaurant that is locally owned and not a franchise. This holds true all over the country but especially here in our town.
We have fabulous locally owned restaurants with awesome food, drinks and entertainment. Literally hundreds! If you have a favorite one, please share it here! We will spread the word.