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Streets of Paradise in Sarasota Needs Household Items & Your Donations

| Suncoast Post Staff |

From their Facebook Page

We hope everyone is staying safe during this self-isolation. As many of you know Streets of Paradise has continued to feed our homeless friends and our move-ins for our formerly homeless friends. All of this, of course, is being done in compliance with social distancing protocol.

This has made things rather interesting and busy right now. We have found ourselves running out of some key items that we use for both our move-ins and food shares. Please see below for the items we so desperately need. If you can provide anything listed below, please either send or drop off to Streets of Paradise, 3044 Bay St., Sarasota FL 34237.

If you wish to make a monetary donation for these items go to and mention which items you would like your donation to go towards in the PayPal “notes” section. Thank you so much to all of you who encourage us and support us. We cannot do it without you.

Items needed

  • Shower curtains
  • Brooms
  • Dust pans
  • Can openers
  • Mops
  • Couches
  • TV Stands
  • Tables
  • Towels
  • Wash Cloths
  • Clam Shell to go containers (for food share)
  • Publix plastic bags or to-go plastic bags (this is how we pre-package food to hand out)

If you need to schedule pick-ups for furniture, please contact us through our website. Thank you.

Streets of Paradise
3044 Bay Street
Sarasota, Florida 34237

Sande Caplin & Associates proudly announced the new website for Streets of Paradise last fall.

Photo from Streets of Paradise Facebook Page.

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