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Racing for a Reason: Join the Giving Challenge with The Blessing Bags Project

| Molly Slicker |

When people need essential items, volunteers and donors are essential workers. At The Blessing Bags Project, nothing stops the work Betsy Plante and her team do for the Bradenton community, no matter the circumstances.

Each day, The Blessing Bags Project crew answers the call and listens to the needs of the community. Then reaches out to serve in a variety of deeply impactful ways. From crowd-sourcing items for the homeless community, to providing and serving food for those struggling, to hand-bottling hundreds of containers of hand sanitizer, to dropping off meals and cheering for the frontline workers as a ‘Thank You’ for their service. The need is vast, and so is their reach.

In these uncertain times, there’s one thing they’re certain of: They are here to serve and show love. Just take a look at their Facebook page – it’s wonderfully shocking to see the various ways they’re serving so many different people each day!

Help The Blessing Bags Project through The Giving Challenge

There’s a huge need right now with more people out of work than usual and financial instability skyrocketing, and The Blessing Bags Project needs your help to increase their impact. The best part? There’s a way you can take part in this incredible work right from the comfort and safety of your own home… and it only costs as little as $25. There is an amazing opportunity to be of service to this essential mission: Participate in The Giving Challenge and give directly back to your local community.

The Giving Challenge, an online giving event happening from noon to noon on April 28-29th, could be a game-changer for those who need it most right now. New donors who donate a minimum of $25 (and up to $100) through the site, gets matched by The Patterson Foundation. What can turn your $25 donation into $50 can then turn into anything from meals for front line workers to hygiene items for our homeless community to a bed for a child in a less-fortunate family to so much more.

The Swordfish Grill & Tiki are helping, too

As if the potential impact isn’t enough to win you over, The Swordfish Grill and Tiki in Cortez has thought up a creative idea to bring donors together (virtually) for a fun online event for the whole family: A live-streamed hermit crab racing event that YOU can bet on. Just click this link to donate at least $25 to The Blessing Bags Project when the Giving Challenge starts and send a screenshot of the receipt to the Swordfish Grill and Tiki Facebook Page before 5pm on April 28th. This will be your entry into the “Nascrab” races to be held live on Facebook at 7 PM. The person with the winning crab will receive a gift card to Swordfish Grill and Tiki bar, as well as Swordfish swag!

So, grab your family or quaranteam on April 28th – make a donation to The Blessing Bags Project and take part in an exciting Facebook event that is sure to bring laughs AND make a difference.

Bookmark to make your donation at

Betsy Plante was The Suncoast Post Person of the Year in 2018.

Photos from The Swordfish Grill & Tiki and The Blessing Bags Project.

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