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Kids Against Hunger in Manatee County

| Sande Caplin |

There are an estimated 9,000 homeless people in Manatee County, and of those 2,000 are children. Children who are not nourished properly do not do well in school and this has long lasting effects on their futures. Individuals, groups, churches, businesses and other organizations can help by sponsoring packaging events.

The cost per meal is only 25 cents each, and all funds go directly to purchasing ingredients.

The Manatee Sunrise Kiwanis Foundation, (a non profit 501 (c) 3) decided to invest in the equipment needed to become a satellite for Kids Against Hunger in Manatee County. We saw the need to help the many homeless and hungry in our community. Kids Against Hunger is a humanitarian food aid organization with the mission to significantly reduce the number of undernourished children around the corner in the United States and starving children around the world.

Our packaging events have brought together volunteers from many different organizations such as Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Manatee County Sheriff’s Department, YMCA, Southeast High Key Club, Palmetto High School FFA, Chase Bank, and the Manatee County School Board to work side by side for a common cause. Some of the organizations that are recipients of the food are Our Daily Bread, Hope Shelter, Feeding Empty Little Tummies (FELT), St Joseph’s Church Food Pantry, Christ Church, Faith Temple, First United Methodist and Palm View Baptist.

Please feel free to include my name and email address in the article Mark Hildebrandt, 941-306-3595.

Manatee County Hungry kids

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