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Giving Partner Challenge of 2014.

| Sande Caplin |

Spring is an eventful time of year for Manatee Children’s Services. We will be honoring Child Abuse Prevention Month during the month of April and organizing two fundraisers in May: “The Legends of Country and Rock” and “The 24-Hour Giving Partner Challenge of 2014.” The 24-Hour Giving Partner Challenge is of particular interest to the community because people can contribute to Manatee Children’s Services’ success and help break the cycle of child abuse without even having to leave the house.

The 24-Hour Giving Partner Challenge will take place on May 6th and 7th and was initiated by The Patterson Foundation, as a way for members of our community to support their favorite charity by donating ON-LINE. Starting at noon on the 6th, every dollar donated will be matched until funds are exhausted. Your donation will help support our many child abuse prevention and treatment programs. Community members are also encouraged to visit the website and select Manatee Children’s Services, Inc., within the 24-hour window to help MCS gain recognition and publicity for the many services we offer to children and families and increase our chances of receiving grants for the most traffic in the amount of $5,000.00.

MCS offers 13 different programs dedicated to child abuse prevention and intervention including our area’s only shelter dedicated to providing safe haven to child victims of abuse. Another program is TRUTH, Teens Reaching Understanding Through Healthy Relationships. The TRUTH program focuses on preventing first-time and repeat teen pregnancies in Manatee County. TRUTH Family Advocates educate teens and their families about pregnancy prevention, goals and values, personal safety, effective communication, self-esteem, and healthy relationships. We provide this education through groups and individual information sessions with at-risk teens. Children born to teen parents are shown to be at higher risk of abuse, neglect, and poverty. Thus, by breaking the cycle of teen pregnancy, we are breaking the cycle of child abuse in support of our mission.

We at MCS depend on your contributions in order to continue to help support our most vulnerable population, child victims of abuse. We urge you to participate in the 24-Hour Giving Partner Challenge so that programs such as TRUTH can continue to operate and make a difference in Manatee County.

Article written by: Krista Ditucci, TRUTH Family Advocate

Manatee Children's Services

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