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The Village Cupboard….Great Deals!

| Sande Caplin |

There’s a thrifty little store in Sarasota where you can buy some real bargains to help you get through our economy’s financial crunch. It’s called the Village Cupboard and it’s located at 3667 Bahia Vista Road. Run by two women who both grew up in the Amish Sect, this “scratch and dent” market features everything from food to pharmaceuticals. You’ll also find toys, cosmetics and other surprises on their shelves. I was caught up in the L’Oreal lipsticks in very cool colors – not the horrible shades that are unusable that you find in other stores that offer “cosmetically damaged goods”.

The store was actually in existence with a different owner, but in May of 2011, Kathryn and Vi bought it. The owners, Kathryn Graber and Viola Mast, had both been employed in Katt Graeberlarge companies in the business world. Kathryn was a mental health counselor and Viola was an accountant. Both women had worked with impoverished people and knew there was a strong need for a store like the Village Cupboard for all local shoppers. Suffering burn-out in their old jobs, they welcomed an opportunity to help the community get more bang for their buck, and have new products in their stock every week.

The Village Cupboard is my kind of place. The owners love people, and enjoy chatting with them. The Village Cupboard specializes in 3 kinds of products: 1. Damages, like dented cans and torn boxes. 2. Overstocked items that other stores had too much of, and 3.Outdated products that are not perishable and therefore still considered safe to eat. The Village Cupboard has its own Face book Page and advertises on Craigslist every day. So log onto their Face book page and “like” them, and check out Craigslist for their weekly bargains. They accept SNAP (food stamp Access Card), debit, and credit cards. Hours of operation are Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. The Village Cupboard is located at 3667 Bahia Vista Street in Sarasota. Call them at 941 822-0507.  You can also visit their website.

Quoting Kathryn, “we offer goods up to 50% off the retail prices, so it’s a great way to supplement your groceries or you can buy it all, right here.” Some folks come in every day to see what’s new. Thanks, Village Cupboard, for helping our community.

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