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SemperFi at Mixon Fruit Farms in Bradenton, FL

| Sande Caplin |

From Janet Mixon of Mixon Farms- Reminder: Sunday December 9th! We are hosting SimperFi families this Sunday. We would love to have people join us from 12:45 – 1:30 to stand at our gate to welcome them with waving flags and signs that thank them for their service. Let them know that our area appreciates their sacrifices. Please share this post. Thank you Janet Mixon.

The wounded Marine group and their families will be having their Christmas Party at Mixon Fruit Farms on Sunday, December 9th. They are expecting over 200 Marines and their families and the Mixon family would like to make this a very special event for them. We are putting together 125 gift bags for the families and are trying to get donations for the bags. This could include flashlights, pens, toys, or any kind of little gift. We are also hoping to get people that will come as greeters, at the entrance to Mixon’s on 27th Street, from 12:45 – 1:30pm.

Wear red white and blue, wave flags and just thank them for their service. We want them to know how grateful we are for their service. We would like to provide a photo booth, as a surprise for them and will be taking donations, specifically for the photo booth. For more information call Janet Mixon at 941-748-5829 x 258. 2525 27th St. E. Bradenton, FL.

We would love to have anyone of you that can come and help us greet the Marines and thank them for their service. 

Swordfish Grill & Tiki Bar, Cortez, FL
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