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Fay Lynne Huang

| Sande Caplin |

Before discovering Nikken, a global research and development company and the world leader in wellness since they pioneered the concept in 1975, Fay Lynne Huang owned and operated a fine dining establishment in Cleveland, Ohio. An industry that she has devoted more than thirty years of her life and that she loves dearly, even with the high levels of stress.

But, a brain aneurysm in May 2000 redirected her life and purpose to one in search of optimal health, of total wellness. She found that purpose realized in a company called Nikken which was created to offer people everywhere a better way to live through their vision of Humans Being More. Nikken is based on the Five Pillars of Health — Healthy Mind, Body, Family, Society and Finances. A belief that achieving balance in all five pillars can help produce a more satisfying lifestyle.

Nikken’s Mission Statement, to inspire individuals to discover a whole new way of life and provide them the opportunity to live it, by changing their lives through improved health and financial well-being struck Fay through to her core and she knew she had found home. A haven where her beliefs were in sync with a company that cared about her as an individual.

Fay has lived in a Wellness Home, similar to a greenhouse that optimizes her health for over five years and lives a life free from disease and everyday maladies that affect so many others on a daily and seasonal basis.

Fay Lynne Huang’s mission is to share this opportunity that has given her life back with as many others as she can so that they too, can live in optimal health, experience joy and live in abundance.

Fay Lynne Huang

The Sarasota Post is not responsible for the accuracy of this article.


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