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Eastern Medicine, Acupuncture and Chiropractic

| Sande Caplin |

Lose Weight and Add Years to Your Life

I had run into my friend Vivian, a very attractive 60+ lady and I was awestruck.  “Where did your body go?” I asked.  This is what I was prepared to hear – that she is going to one of those quick weight loss places where you take Phentermine and feel like you’re having a nervous breakdown, shooting yourself with HCG every day, eating 600 calories for as long as it takes, and a bunch of supplements that no one ever explains to you.  The big plus is the weekly B-12 shot.  Boy, was I surprised when she told me what she’d been doing and who she’d been seeing!  Under the auspices of Hornberger Wellness and Chiropractic, Vivian is seeing Ricardo Morales, A.P., which means he is licensed to perform acupuncture along with nutrition, suggestions for exercise, such as yoga, and how to combine all those homeopathic elements for LIVING, not DIETING.

The tremendous side benefit, if you follow your plan, is that you detox from a lot of bad eating, feel energetic and lose weight.  I once heard a doctor say “dieting is not a bus you get on and get off at your destination.” And of course he was 100% correct.  So Ricardo Morales is teaching Vivian the way to live in synch with whole body health.

Ricardo and I talked over a drink at a fundraiser we were both attending.  He told me he began caring about the body and health and how one could achieve total well-being.  At the time he was working at a retirement center. He enrolled at the East West College of Natural Medicine, where he learned pharmacology, anatomy, microbiology, and other associated courses. He attended school for a total of six years to become the knowledgeable and dedicated practitioner he is today.  

I asked him why most people come to him and to Dr. Hornberger’s Chiropractic office.  The number one reason is pain.  I was fascinated to know that acupuncture could Laurie Mirkin and Ricardo Moraleshelp repeat addicts go through detox a lot less painfully.  The second reason people come to Ricardo is to improve their health and lose weight.  He also sees many patients with spinal cord injuries, thyroid malfunction and just folks who are looking to feel better without having a lineup of a dozen pill bottles they have to take every day. Ricardo says that by process of elimination he can discover exactly what a patient needs to regain general good health.  But seeing how Vivian has done and knowing my own dieting nightmares, I see you’ll never be successful if you think you can outsmart the food regimen, if you don’t exercise and show up for your appointments. She is the epitome of a compliant patient because she wants to succeed and feel well every day.

From the Chiropractic standpoint, the office is run with the primary concern of achieving proper lineup of vertebrae in conjunction to the spine to achieve the restoration and preservation of health.  They promote the importance of a body free of nervous interference and neuro-spinal hygiene.  No drugs are prescribed and there is no surgery performed.  This appeals to health conscious people, especially those who have tried to avoid back or neck surgery under any circumstances.  I wasn’t surprised that the office sees pregnant women in all trimesters to offer them comfort and proper alignment.

Tests can be ordered if needed, Ricardo told me.  Mainly MRI’s and blood work.  Vivian is on a regimen of oral, homeopathic HCG drops, B-12 shots, Asian herbs, and chiropractic adjustments.  Her metamorphosis is so remarkable that I hope some of you readers will contact Hornberger Wellness and Chiropractic and get started on a journey guaranteed to keep you around a whole lot longer. Read more on their website at They have a wonderfully modern office that promotes calm and an air of healing. You can call them at 941 924-4400 and get started on your healthy journey.

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