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What Do You Do When You Have Nothing To Write About?

| Sande Caplin |

It’s Monday morning at 2am.  I usually have an article all ready to go for the Sarasota Post.  Today, I did not.  For those of you who know me, I am never at a loss for words!  Today, I could not think of anything to write about… like the story on “Seinfeld,” today I am writing about nothing!….or something

We are blessed to live on the SunCoast and I truly love it here.  Wonderful beaches, great restaurants and I have some of the best and most loyal friends in the world.  We stick together.  Bruce Famiglio and Lee Volpe come to mind first and foremost.  They always have an open ear and open mind- 24/7.  They are good people!  There are other folks to mention but that’s not what this is about.  So, call a friend or relative today and tell them you’re thinking about them and you love them.

Where else but in Sarasota can you work from 4-10 in the morning and then go out and enjoy the rest of the day.  It’s a blessing!  I am blessed to work with some of the most creative and talented young people in the world.  Thank you, James and the team.  Our websites now get world-wide recognition and we have many exciting projects in the works.

We have more musical talent right here in Sarasota / Bradenton than any other city in the country.  You name the genre….it’s here.  A little promotional plug- on 9/11/2014, the most talented group of lady blues singers in our area will be singing at the Swordfish Grill and Tiki to benefit the SunCoast Blood Bank.  Buy Tickets!  I have gotten to know quite a few of the entertainers in town and it is a privilege to know them.  Head out to one of the local music venues- you will hear some great music.  And, oh yeah- please leave a big tip in the tip bucket.  These folks work hard for very little money.

So, a little rambling, a couple of facts and before I knew it I got something on paper to share.  The next time you see one of your friends or relatives…. give them a big hug and “tell them you love them!”  Life is too short to waste any time.

If you have a story that you want to share about a friend on the Sarasota Post, please “Contact Us.”

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