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The End of the Sarasota Post….

| Sande Caplin |

(as we know it!)
Welcome to our new version 3.0 of The Sarasota Post.  It has been in development for 6 months!   Congratulations to website developer Shelby Hartshorn who put hours and hours into this project with the support and guidance of developer extraordinaire, James Danny Newton.  James is the best of the best.

There are lots of new features on the site and great articles every day!  If you own a business on the Florida Suncoast, this is a great opportunity to advertise in our growing publication.  Have a story about yourself or your business?  Send it to us!

Special thanks to our writers; Jodi Schwarzenbach, Patti Pearson, Renee Fisher and Rose Lipke.  Your stories are shared throughout the world.  Licensed Drone Pilot and video editor, Laura Bell Adams, has produced some amazing videos that put smiles on everyone’s faces.

And, of course, photographer and writer Vicky Sullivan.  It’s been over 3 years working with you and I am more amazed every day.  Your stories and photos about Cher, Billy Joel, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, Hall & Oates, Dave Chappelle, Don Henley, Boston, Selwyn Birchwood and so many more are epic.

Enjoy the new site!  We welcome your suggestions and are so excited to continue to  provide cool stories for the Florida Suncoast.

photo from Deposit Photos

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