The Best and Worst States to Retire, 2018
The Sarasota Post Staff found this wonderful and informative article by Richie Bernardo, Senior Writer at “Wallet Hub”. Here is Richie’s story about retirement in 2018 and the best and worst states!
Retirement might be the end of your career, but it doesn’t have to be the end of financial security or life satisfaction. Timing is often a primary concern with retirement, as it generally coincides with the age at which we may receive Social Security or pension benefits. Not everyone can retire when they want to, though. Almost 30 percent of non-retired adults haven’t saved any money for retirement, though not necessarily through any fault of their own.
But in addition to when you want to retire, a good question to ask is where. That can be difficult to decide without doing lots of research. Even in the most affordable areas of the U.S., most retirees cannot rely on Social Security or pension checks alone to cover all of their living expenses. Social Security benefits increase with local inflation, but they replace only about 40 percent of the average worker’s earnings.
Read Richie Bernardo’s complete story:
photo from Deposit Photos
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