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Manatee Children's Services

Teens Reaching Understanding Through Healthy Relationships

| Sande Caplin |

Since 1977, Manatee Children’s Services (MCS) has been dedicated to providing advocacy, resources, skills, and shelters to alleviate abuse through prevention and intervention for all children and their families.  MCS offers a variety of programs to the community and has grown to include 13 different programs, the newest being T.R.U.T.H. (Teens Reaching Understanding Through Healthy Relationships).

Today, teens and their families face many challenges in and out of school.  There are many obstacles they face daily when trying to make decisions regarding education, communication, personal health, sex, and relationships.  The T.R.U.T.H. family advocates guide youth and their families to help them make healthy decisions and ensure a well-balanced future.  We are offering this program to our community and families at no cost.

In partnership with the School Board of Manatee County, the T.R.U.T.H. advocates will have contact with your child during school hours, get an assessment of family needs and demographics, present educational materials, and provide presentations geared toward respectful relationships and pregnancy prevention.  We are also available to meet with families during scheduled in-home sessions.  In-home discussions will consist of, but are not limited to, the following topics:

·         Resources for families

·         Sexuality Education

·         Contraceptives

·         Goals and Values

·         Personal Safety

·         Effective Communication

·         Self-Esteem

We hope our services will be used to help alleviate stress, encourage healthy communication, and ultimately help youth achieve his or her goals without encountering such obstacles as teen pregnancies, STD’s, or unhealthy relationships.  If you have any questions, concerns, or need more information please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Danielle Foster M.S.
Manatee Children’s Services
Vice President of Family Services
(941) 345-1200X115
Fax: (941) 345-1212

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