Open Letter to Fred Wilpon, Saul Katz and Jeff Wilpon….SELL THE NY METS and Give The Fans A Break
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I have been a die-hard NY Mets fan since opening day on April 13, 1962. There have been lots of ups and downs over the years and I have always stuck with this team. Well, NO MORE….Not until the Wilpon’s and their bunch of tight-wads sell the team.
It came to a head for me last week when I came to visit in Brooklyn and went to a game at beautiful Citi Field with one of my 5 grandsons. When a 6 year old asks “Poppy, why are the Mets so bad?” I knew it was time to make a statement. In the game that we went to the highest batting average for the lineup that was fielded was “240”……are you kidding me?
Everyone knows about the fabulous pitching, but that isn’t enough. We need hitters… good hitters, not the nickle and dimers that you guys sign to stupid contracts. And, stop using injuries as an excuse.
Your greediness to make tons of money from the Bernie Madoff debacle has proven to be your downfall. Admit it, you have no money to sign top-notch players. So, GET OUT NOW.
Met fans…stop going to the games, stop buying merchandise: YOU DESERVE BETTER! By not supporting the team, maybe the Wilpon’s will get the message.