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Twinkle Schascle Yochim

On Drama!

| Sande Caplin |

What someone thinks of you is none of your business and should not take up real estate in your brain and heart. That’s easier said than done, especially when that person has the ear of other’s. But, I have one thought that may help. Anyone who believes negative statements about you and commiserates, WANTS to believe these things and feel angry or betrayed or whatever.

Drama is an addiction and many people are addicted to it. There are actual chemicals that we release while gossiping or being righteous that are akin to getting high, and this becomes its own addiction. So if you’ve ever wondered why gossip and negativity spread so easily and quickly, just read up on anger as an addiction and you’ll understand. Meanwhile, not listening to the diatribe is very helpful, and doing what I do; I never trust third hand information, which saves so much time and headspace.

Have a Happy and Healthy New Year, Twinkle!

Note from the Sarasota Post–  Twinkle posted this article on Facebook, December 27, 2013.   Look for more articles from Twinkle in 2014.


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