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Memorial Day, A Time to Reflect

| Sande Caplin |

Today, like we do on every Memorial Day, we get together to support and pay tribute those soldiers who gave their lives for ou country.

It’s more than just a 3-day weekend of parties, going to the beach, barbeques and family get-togethers. Many consider Memorial Day the unofficial start of the summer. There’s more…..  We remember the brave soldiers who died for our country on Memorial day by visiting gravesites, monuments, and in Arlington, VA, the President or Vice President will place a wreath on the soldiers graves at the National Cemetery.

A few ways to celebrate this glorious day- Place flowers or flags on the graves of women and men who have served our country, fly the US flag at half-staff until noon, visit monuments to our sailors, soldiers and marines and maybe participate in a parade.

And yes, Memorial Day is also a family day to have a BBQ, enjoy friends and family….but most of all to remember our soldiers who lost their lives for our great country.

photo by Erin Marie Payne from taken at Fort Rosescrans, San Diego, CA

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