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I Can’t Believe I Got The Golden Ticket!

| Sande Caplin |

Well, I can’t believe my luck…. Got the “Willy Wonka Golden Ticket” to attend a very private house party on Anna Marie island! Coming from Venice, my wonderful girlfriend and l decided to go for the journey…. driving the long haul to Anna Marie island to meet some great friends. As we arrived on this spectacular island we were getting very excited! V.I.P to an adult house party, what the hell are we doing?

We parked on the street knowing our car is safe here (oh, we did stop to pick up some flowers for the hostess). Walking across a koi pond, into a plush green garden with unique plants and flowers. Entering the giant cedar door, we just walk in…but that’s how I roll, we came into a house studio, I said, “What the hell is going on here?”, a full music studio in the living area. We were greeted with hugs and kisses, shaking hands with the musicians and as we are getting an intro I smelled mouthwatering food, mmmm. Wait… is that a wine bar and a full liquor bar? I’m in heaven now… but, suddenly, I was pulled into a small office, now what’s going on? … the host (who’s a member of the band), tells me, “This event never happened!” I pledged to agree I would never utter a word, (being Sicilian I shook my head).

Going back into the main room more people had arrived, with lots of trays of food and bottles of very expensive whiskey. Our journey has begun! This was one of the most unique homes…I feel I was visiting Shelby gardens. Wow! It couldn’t have gotten better… now, with some drinks and food in me, laughing and just enjoying a great evening with adults, I hear music coming from inside this marvelous home.

Jack David and Marie GordonThere, in the great room, three ageless men were playing on instruments that brought back memories, the sounds of lost music you hardly ever hear.. I gasp for breath, we all did, we look at each other, let the dancing begin… between all three, over 100 years of playing experience. Well, it was like being backstage with these great, and very talented, musicians. Then, with all the dancing and singing, someone walked over to an empty microphone and let her hair down. Then, something you never see, all the ladies started dancing like backup singers for Beyoncé… yes! Never have I been a part of or seen this reaction from a group of 40 years plus. I was in total awe of this group’s music. Our beloved host jamming like a true rock star, and the others were as well. To have a group of adults singing, dancing, enacting! The energy was to die for…you had, Motown, jazz, blues, Sinatra, and, did I mention….latin? Well, these boys played “like it was 1999”, as Prince said…losing my mind or what? Magical is the word…
I was later told, during the second set, we are not to disclose this crown jewel of Anna Maria, to anyone. Sooo, as a good Italian boy, I shook my head, again… this time knowing we will be back. As my girlfriend shook her body like I’ve never seen, I agree to this secret, for I must come back to this crown jewel of music of Anna Maria, these legends of music had me under a spell. Well, I must get back up, for we are singing, “Let’s Stay Together” by Mr. Al Green,… thank you… for my Golden Ticket…

Jack David is a Guest Writer for the Sarasota Post…. Watch Jack’s next story as he might reveal the names of these phenomenal musicians!

photos from Saraost Post and Deposit Photos

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