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Hey Baby Boomer…now’s your time to shine!

| Sande Caplin |

Sometimes it’s almost aggravating to be called a Baby Boomer.  It’s a bit clichéd and maybe the connotation behind the label feels like we’re old and washed up.  I had to change my mind pretty quickly when I began to look into the increasing success of Baby Boomer Entrepreneurs.  While it might seem we’re being pigeon-holed when we’re labeled the “grey economy”, who cares?  We apparently have more business longevity than our younger counterparts, and there are good solid reasons for our success.

Let’s face it.  If you reach the age of 50 and aren’t passionate about anything in particular, I’m not really talking to you.  I’m addressing the 50 and over generation who are driven to achieve the financial and personal levels that they may have not been able to reach before.  I mean, 50 years of experience gives you a lot to go on.  You may be ready to do things you didn’t dare do when you had small children and a large mortgage, or you find yourself totally free, bored and dying to do something great. This is your time, Baby Boomer!

One of the great advantages of starting late is that you know who you are.  You’ve had 50 or more years to figure out what you’re good at and where you can add value.  So you have a vision of what it is you want to do and what you can bring to the table.  I bet you didn’t know that our generation is the best educated in the history of the American workforce, and the healthiest.  We live longer and therefore we can work longer, and meet the goals that seemed impossible in the past.

When you’re living the dream you always wanted and that alarm goes off in the morning, you want to get out of bed so you can do what you love. You have unique qualifications and the financial savvy to help you leverage the funds to make your new venture a success. Younger less experienced folks may not be able to tap into the type of funding available to us.  You’ve also demonstrated the commitment it takes to work long hours to reach your goals and are willing to put yourself into a company 150%.  We are driven, as a generation, to see things through, to keep at it with a patience that we didn’t have when we were younger.

Baby Booomer SuccessAnother plus is that you’ve developed a strong social network across the board and have the gift of meeting people and building strong business relationships,  You love to go out into the community to meet and talk to people, and you aren’t afraid to learn new technologies that are putting us on the map for our age demographic.  These networks of corporate relationships and alliances can only serve to give your business the thrust it needs to succeed.
Something that age has shown me is that I know when I need help.  When situations arise, you need the best kind of support.  For instance, the right accountant, business manager or the kind of website company that can manage your social media needs and get you front and center in the marketplace. With life experience you learn to distinguish who the right people are to surround yourself with.

It’s a big world out there.  We’ve witnessed a fast-paced change in the workplace where those who were employees are now becoming employers, and where we have the strengths to challenge how things are done, and bring our own branding to the table.

Sarasota Baby BoomersSo yeah, I’m talking to you out there…the guy who has amazing ideas for products and services that would upgrade and provide convenience for thousands of consumers.  Or you, the woman who has excellent resources and creativity to start a consignment shop, but are just a little under confident.  Break out of that back-seat mentality and take a chance..  It’s a perfect time in your life.  No kids at home, no college tuitions to pay or mortgages.  It’s your time to shine.  Search in your area for networking meetings and entrepreneurial groups.  If you need a push, find someone to mentor you and help you realize that dream.  Baby Boomers, we don’t want to wake up one day soon and say, “I shoulda, coulda, woulda!”   Start to make today the day your life starts anew. Envision it, run towards it and soar!

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