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Happy Father’s Day from The Suncoast Post

| Sande Caplin |

I have to admit, Father’s Day is a little different this year. Normally, I would have traveled to New York to spend the weekend with my kids and 6 grandboys! This year it is not in the cards. We will do a “Zoom” get together which will be fun, but not the same.

If you can, spend some time with your dad today. He’s special and loves you very much. If you can’t be with him, give him a call or with today’s technology video chat with him. If your dad is no longer with us, take a step back and think about him today.

sande's dad

The photo above is my Dad around 1946. He was getting ready to open his first gas station and painted the entire building by himself!

Grandfathers Are Fathers Who Are Grand

by Nicholas Gordon

Grandfathers are fathers who are grand,
Restoring the sense that our most precious things
Are those that do not change much over time.
No love of childhood is more sublime,
Demanding little, giving on demand,
Far more inclined than most to grant the wings
Allowing us to reach enchanted lands.
Though grandfathers must serve as second fathers,
Helping out with young and restless hearts,
Each has all the patience wisdom brings,
Remembering our passions more than others,
Soothing us with old and well-honed arts.

Poem from

We hope you have a wonderful Father’s Day! Check out this story on The Suncoast Post for a fun Father’s Day gift!

Photos from DepositPhotos and Sande Caplin.

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