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Easter, Reunification, and Spring Hope On the Suncoast

| Jodi Schwarzenbach |
Spring Easter

Easter is a time for renewal.  Whether you are celebrating the splendor of your faith as it relates to Easter or feel the rebirth of Spring in the singing birds, warming temperatures, and vibrant blossoms popping up everywhere, the newness that accompanies March and April are invigorating.  We always get this nudge to clean, prepare, or just rejoice in the magic of this season, and this year is certainly no exception.

Easter 2021 New Normal

Raise your hand if you are finally able to reunite with loved ones this Easter holiday thanks to vaccinations and a cautious desire to get back to celebrations?  Yes, I am in this group, also, and I must say it feels nice to think of family sitting at one table, under one roof, conversing without our old friend Zoom.  It is with a little trepidation, though, that we all navigate this reunification of sorts. 

After all, we have all endured one “special” year, and with it are expectations and opinions garnered through these pandemic experiences.  Are we even the same persons we were one year ago?  Hopefully, we have all grown and are at a point of understanding that family is everything.  Whether it is born out of familial blood, or a family of friends and coworkers who has become family.   We are offering a few points to consider as reunions begin to occur.

Firstly, we all must tread lightly with all these gatherings and remember the habits we have made this year; not congregating in large crowds this Easter, social-distancing, mask-wearing, improved hygiene- – were all tools that helped us get to where we are now.  To drop the ball and completely discard some of the measures we implemented could be premature.  Without being overly opinionated on these hot topics, one could make that argument that washing our hands more, enjoying our homes, and getting to know the people we cohabitate with a little better are not bad ideas and should rightly continue.

Simplicity and Renewal

Remember when your political points seemed on point and thus necessary to share with anyone with ears?  I have a feeling that will become “so 2020” with 2021 offering us insight and compassion, even time to reflect on others’ words, rather than reacting with emotion.  So, when that certain relative tries to engage on a point that might have caused friction in the past, give it a pause.  Just because a comment irritates you does not mean you have to respond.  In fact, ignoring is sometimes the best course of action.  Isn’t it said that “Ignorance is bliss?”

Easter Spring

What about that other adage, “Don’t sweat the small stuff?”  This is so appropriate when planning joint ventures like a large dinner party, or celebration at a park.  In honor of finally being able to mingle with people we have not seen in a while let’s go for simplicity with the details and leave the hugs, conversations and smiles as cornerstones of our gatherings.  This year, it should be all about the people and less about what we are wearing, eating or a fancy venue.

Hope Springs Forth

If you are a devout attendee at your local church, perhaps this is the holiday that gets you back in your favorite pew.  If you are a sweet grandparent who has been longing to hold your grandchild’s small hand in yours or who would love a nice hug, we understand all the feels that accompany this.  Perhaps during the next few months, as vaccinations are fulfilled, herd-immunity occurs and we can lessen our guard just a bit, we can even travel to places again that have been filling our dreams.  There are so many reasons to be excited for this time of renewal and reacquaintance.  We wish you all the best of times and the safest as well.  We have all been through a once-in-a-lifetime experience together, the COVID-19 Pandemic.  It is time to reunite with our loved ones and let love bloom once again. 

Photos courtesy of Jodi Schwarzenbach & Deposit Photos

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