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A Trip to Alaska Leaving From Sarasota, Florida

| Sande Caplin |

Do you have any bucket list trips you are looking forward to taking one day? I have a few and this past week, I was fortunate enough to cross one off my list. I have been trying to go to Alaska for a couple of years now. In fact, two years ago, my husband and I had scheduled a cruise to this wilderness destination, but we had to cancel the trip due to a job change.

Aleutian BalladSo, this year when my sisters and our friends from England announced they were planning another trip to Alaska, I jumped at the chance to go. And this time, I crossed my fingers and said a little prayer that nothing would interfere with my trip.

Fortunately, things worked out and our trip was destined to happen. Since this was my first time in Alaska, I cannot tell you 100% that taking a cruise is the best way to see that state but it is definitely a great way to begin. Most cruise ships have a similar route which includes passing through the Tracy Arm Fjord, which should not be missed. This waterway is 27 miles long and at times is only ½ mile wide. I have no idea how a cruise ship can navigate this, but I have to honest, the thought of the Titanic did cross my mind a time or two. The water here is almost green and the icebergs are bright, clear blue. I look back on the photos that were taken and cannot believe that I was so lucky to experience this. Here is a 360 picture that my husband took from the ship

Sandy Williams trip to AlaskaWhen you take a cruise they always offer excursions. Some can be fairly expensive and you may want to check the local market for something similar. However, if you book your activities with the cruise line you can be assured they won’t leave without you if something should delay your arrival back to the ship.

One of the excursions we took was in the town of Ketchikan and it was called the Deadliest Catch Crab Fisherman’s Tour. I have to admit I am a big fan of the TV show Deadliest Catch. So, of course, I couldn’t wait to get on that boat, listen to tales of being on the Bering Sea and take a ride on the Aleutian Ballad. While on the 3-hour tour (that too came to mind, the 3-hour tour) they demonstrated how they used the big crab pots and actually pulled up a pot with large crab and octopus inside. While on the Aleutian Ballad, we watched the crew feed eagles that so eloquently flew up close to catch the fish being thrown. If you haven’t seen an eagle up close, it is something to behold. The average wingspan is 7 1/2 feet wide. Three hours passed so quickly, I am sure I could have stayed longer in spite of the chilly, rainy weather.

If you are not a cruise-type person (me included) I would still recommend putting this trip on your bucket list. The glaciers are receding and one day it may not be possible to see the mighty Mendenhall. I am grateful to see such wonders of nature and to live in such a beautiful country.
I definitely will be back to visit Alaska, next time it will be to kayak in the sea and to land by helicopter on a glacier.

Photos from Sandy Williams and Trip Advisor

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