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10 Cages of Rats!

| Sande Caplin |

Elder Wisdom Circle is a nationwide network of volunteers aged 60-105, who offer caring and personal advice based on their own experiences. They are a nonprofit service, and all advice is free. Please visit them online at

Original Letter

I have a house in Arizona with my fiance and a roommate. The roommate hasn’t even been renting from me for a week and my future mother-in-law showed up on Sunday. She has been kicked out of the apartment rental she was living in, and now she has brought to my doorstep: 2 cats, 2 dogs, a snake, a giant lizard, some fish and about 10 cages of RATS. There’s about 50. And my fiance told her it was OK for a week but I want them out NOW. She is destructive and her brain is fried from past drug use. I cant seem to get it through to her that this is not ok.

Elder Response

My advice to you is to have a talk with your fiance and tell him that this situation with his mom is not acceptable. It’s also not healthy. But he gave her permission, and so he has to be the one to tell her to take the animals out of the house.

Best Regards,

Elder ReneeRenee is a Realtor in the Washington, DC area. She also has a home in Bradenton, FL. She is married, with three children and five grandchildren. Her website is

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