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Sarasota Sculpture Center Book Wins First Place in Global Competition

| Sande Caplin |

Sarasota Sculpture Center’s (Formerly Sarasota Season of Sculpture) monumental sculpture exhibition, held biennially over the past 15 years along the city’s downtown bayfront, has garnered further international acclaim with the First Place win of the organization’s book, Season of Sculpture, Biennial Exhibitions 1999-2O12.

The substantial and elegant coffee table book was made possible by a donation from Keith and Linda Monda in 2O13.  It contains full page, full color photos of the 132 exhibited sculptures from 96 world renowned artists representing 15 states and 13 foreign countries.

Serbin Print Marketing and Publishing in Sarasota handled the book’s production.  They recently submitted it to the Xerox Premier Partners Global Network’s prestigious competition for the “2O16 Best-of-the-Best Awards” held in Dusseldorf, Germany.  The book was awarded First Place for Best Book in this international event.

Nearly 1OO entires from 2O countries competed for this coveted award. Second Place went to a publication from Singapore; Third Place, to a submission from Norway.

7OO people who represented graphic communication companies and vendors from around the world attended the Xerox conference that was held in conjunction with DRUPA 2O16, the largest graphic communications show in the world.  As First Place winner, the book was displayed throughout these events for the public to view.

Sarasota Sculpture Center is honored to receive this additional worldwide recognition conferred by the book’s new accolade “Best of the Best. “

The books are on sale at Bookstore1, 1359 Main Street, Sarasota.

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Season of Sculpture, Biennial Exhibitions 1999-2O12

Press Release: June 23, 2O16
Contact: Pamela Beck, Director, PR, Sarasota Sculpture Center

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